Spiritual Development: Chakra Course

join Reverend Felice Izzarelli for this enlightening class series!

Rev. Felice has heard the multiple requests for this class series to be taught during evening hours. In response, Rev. Felice has chosen to move this class to Thursday evenings, July 25th through September 5th, 6pm to 9 pm.

  • Learn about the 7 main chakras and understand how they each feel
  • Come to understand how it feels when the energy shifts within the chakras
  • Discover how each chakra relate to one’s individual spiritual journey
  • Understand the importance of opening & closing prayers
  • Learn how meditation practices can help improve chakra vibrancy
  • Discover how kundalini interacts with the chakras

Students will learn tools and techniques and will practice exercises related to the lessons, including, but not limited to: HOW to open the third eye, HOW to run the energy from the root to the crown, HOW to remove energetic blocks, and so much more!

Note – An aura camera will be utilized during the course to help the student understand the impact of the exercises on their chakras. Students will receive their aura photos as part of the class curriculum.

This 7 week course meets on Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm*, from July 25, 2024 thru September 5, 2024*.

$40 per class, payable to the instructor

Limited to 20 students – Reserve your spot TODAY!

Contact Rev. Felice to reserve your spot or with any questions: FeliceIzzarelli@gmail.com

*Please note the change in class date and time.